Chill Cubes # 1

Seeds of Revolution

Chill Cubes – Seeds of Revolutions starts right where Punkin Patch Issue 1 leaves off!

Join the Punkin Wizard as he summons his frozen friends the Chill Cubes to help with an urgent mission; the journey to the seed vault. The Chill Cubes encounter some epic enemies as they fight for their lives along the way to secure the Punkin seeds deep with the mountain vault.

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Comic Team

We’ve assembled a team of pros to make Chill Cubes Issue #1!

Creator & Letterer : Cuyler Pagano

Script Writer: Fred Ende

Inks: Cammry Lapka

Colors: Nicolas Touris

Yeti Cover: Robson Teixeira

Ice Witch Cover Artist: Keith Garvey 

Dragon Cover: Dani Blass